The Chief Minister's Distress Relief Fund (CMDRF) in Kerala is currently fully administered over an electronic platform.
1. The fund is operated by the Government Principal Secretary (Finance) who is a senior I.A.S officer. Presently Sri. Manoj Joshi IAS is the Finance Secretary. Contributions to CMDRF is remitted to bank accounts maintained in State Bank of India, City main Branch, Trivandrum as well as pool accounts of various nationalised and scheduled banks and the funds are released only through bank transfer. The pool accounts have been created recently for the functioning of the online portal. The funds can be withdrawn only under the hand and seal of the Finance Secretary.
2. Though the fund is operated by the Finance Secretary, the CMDRF is administered by the Revenue (DRF) department in Government. This would mean that the Finance Secretary who is authorized to operate the bank account of CMDRF can not withdraw /transfer the money at his or his department's whims and fancy. This is possible only as per a Government Orders issued by Revenue Secretary.
3. The financial delegation available to each tier/ officer involved in CMDRF administration is also fixed by Government orders. Government Orders regulate the amount that can be sanctioned by the District Collector, Revenue Special Secretary, Revenue Secretary, Revenue Minister, and the Chief Minister. Over and above, it rests with the Council of Ministers.
4. Now CMDRF is fully web managed and it has become extremely transparent. Transfers to the end beneficiary is done through Direct Bank Transfer system.
5. Right To Information Act (RTI) is applicable to CMDRF and the people are entitled to get all information on it. CMDRF funds are open to audit by the Comptroller and Accountant General and the budgeting and expenditure is subject to scrutiny by the State Legislature.

The CMDRF is a public fund constituted for the purpose of giving relief in cases of privation and also to those affected by fire, flood, cyclone sea erosion and similar other calamities. Educational Cultural and Charitable Institutions of a public nature, which are affected by such calamities and whose financial position does not enable them to repair the damage caused to their property and bring them to a normal condition are also eligible for financial assistance from the Fund. Relief may also be provided from the Distress Relief Fund for the workers thrown out of employment for the reason beyond their control, in units not covered by Employees State Insurance Schemes or Employees Provident Fund Schemes in the traditional sector alone. Financial Assistance from this Fund will be restricted to cases not covered by other special relief programs of Government.The term “Privation” does not refer to ordinary cases of poverty, but refers only to exceptional cases of real hardship due to sudden loss of income where the District Collector is satisfied that financial assistance would be necessary.

Receipt of Application.
The application for Financial Assistance in the specified format is received in the Village offices. People can also submit application onlinein the CMDRF portal, through Akshaya Centres, and also through the offices  of MPs and MLAs using the application interface provided to them.
In the case of accident deaths FIR and Death Certificates are to be produced.
For Medical treatments Medical Certificate from a qualified Medical Officer should be provided.
In the case of Distress due to calamities the Village Officer reports particulars of the people affected and forward this to Collector through Tahsildar .
The applications are processed by the Revenue Department. All the processing is done electronically –(cmdrf portal).The applications received in online modes  will be automatically forwarded to the concerned Village Office for validation of the details furnished by the applicant.
After the validation at village level  all applications will be  forwarded  to Taluk office, Collectorate and if necessary to Revenue Special Secretary, Revenue Minister, Chief Minister and Council of Ministers through electronic  process.
Sanction and Disbursement
Sanction of Payments under various levels

  • District Collectors - Up to Rs. 10,000
  • Special Secretary(Revenue Department) - Up to Rs. 15,000
  • Revenue Minister - Up to Rs. 25,000
  • Chief Minister - Up to 3 lakhs
  • Cabinet - for more than 3 lakhs

Currently the approved payments are then transferred to the beneficiary bank account through DBT.

CMDRF Income & Expenditure Details
all in Indian Rupee


Contributions Received from General Public - Electronic Mode
as on 17-09-2024 01:42:00 pm
28.82 Cr
Contributions Received from General Public - Other Modes
as on 13-08-2019
2454.36 Cr
Salary Challenge
as on 13-08-2019
1205.18 Cr
Festival Allowance
as on 13-08-2019
117.69 Cr
Fund Collected by State Co-operative Department for Care Home project
as on 13-08-2019
52.68 Cr
Additional Tax on Alcohol Sale
as on 13-08-2019
308.68 Cr


4167.41 Cr

Total Expense
as on 13-08-2019
2276.37 Cr
Committed Expenditure
as on 13-08-2019
730.05 Cr


1160.99 Cr


Emergency Financial Assistance (Rs. 6200 per person) 457.58 Cr
Financial assistance to families who lost their Land & Home 1637.02 Cr
Care Home Project Fund alloted to State Co-Operative Department for constructing house to flood affected 52.69 Cr
Funds alloted to Dept. of Agriculture Development & Farmers Welfare for giving grants to farmers in flood affected area 54 Cr
Fund alloted to Kerala State Civil Supplies Corporation Limited for distributing Subsistance Kit to flood affected people. 54.46 Cr
Fund alloted to State Civil Supplies Corporation for distributed rice to flood affected. 9.4 Cr
Pradhyudhanam Scheme - Fund alloted to Kerala State Disaster Management Authority for giving additional financial assistance to social groups deserving more attention who lose their house in flood. 10 Cr
Fund alloted to Kerala State Centre for Advanced Printing & Training (C-apt) for printing text books for students in flood affected areas. 47 L
Miscellaneous (Dependents of deceased, Preparing land for construction of houses, Payment to Contract Engineers etc. 75 L

2276.37 Cr